Fiona Paulsen Managing Director of Miraculoss

Meet Fiona Paulsen, Managing Director of Miraculoss – Hear her story.

I hated being overweight… And I was so sick of coming home each day feeling exhausted! I’d been struggling with my weight for years. People told me ‘it’s just what happens as you age’ – or you’ve got big bones… But I knew I shouldn’t be that weight. I knew it was affecting my life. I wasn’t even in menopause yet and I dreaded the thought of what was to come…

Read about the fantastic weight loss that our Miraculoss clients have achieved

Results may vary from person to person.

We’re pleased to have received so much positive feedback from clients who have lost weight and kept it off in a safe, healthy way. Read on to see what some of them have to say about the Miraculoss weight loss plan.

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Trish Miles – Lost 32kgs

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Aishu Mohan – Lost 28kgs

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Lauren Barneo – Lost 22kgs

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Laurel Rodgers – Lost 24kgs

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Lisa’s Miraculoss Story

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Clara’s Miraculoss Story

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Marg’s Miraculoss Story

Stories from our clients

Not a “diet” but rather a detox

The difference between Miraculoss and other weight loss programs I’ve tried is:-
The daily coach support – which is a huge part of the program’s success
The fact that this is not a “diet” but rather, a detox that allows your body to shed abnormal fat, and then a learning process about what types of foods your body needs to function at its optimal level without storing excess fat.
It’s amazing!

More self awareness and self love

I love it that Miraculoss is not a diet, it’s a way of life that changes how you think about food and how you feel about yourself. It creates more self awareness and more self love.

Happy Louise
Such a big change in a short time

I felt it was time to get back into weight loss again and I’ve lost over 3kg in 8 days, and I feel so much better. When I looked at my daily weight loss I was initially disappointed with only 300 grams per day, but when I thought about how good I feel, with such a big change in a short time, it was an eye-opener. I now realise the numbers aren’t as important as the way I feel. I hope that makes sense.
Bianca NZ

I’ve wanted to be this weight for years!

Well, I got a massive surprise this morning as I weighed 74.4kg. I had to weigh myself 10 times as I’d lost a kilo overnight! I’ve wanted to be this weight for years!
I feel so happy that I decided to do this programme. I’ve learned so much about what I’m putting in my mouth! I know I’ve got this!
I watched my husband eat biscuits last night and I so wanted one, and now I’m so glad I didn’t go there!
Natasha 🙂

I’m so thankful for everything I’ve learned

While recovering from a broken back and a broken foot I spent 8 weeks in a back brace and a moon boot, and lying on the couch.  

I was feeling flabby, and was afraid of how much weight I’d put on even though I was being really careful with my food. Friends had been cooking for me and my freezer was full of yummy friendship comfort food, so it was with great trepidation that I stepped on the scales. To my great relief I discovered I was only 1.5kgs up! That was all! So the flab is lost condition, not really weight gain. 

I’m so thankful for all I have learned from Miraculoss. When lovely friends brought me sweet treats, I would have a little bit and hide the rest or share it out. I snacked on walnuts and apples, and made the early-stage Waldorf salad for lunch most days. My dinners were largely friend-cooked casseroles, so I avoided the rice and pasta, substituting with veggies or mushroom noodles for the same delicious results. The Miraculoss way is so doable long term. 

Just thought you might be interested…

…my back pain has disappeared!

I’ve been a very active person throughout my life; having been a netballer, gym junkie, and distance runner – in my earlier years training up to 100kms per week. A few years ago I injured my back and the pain and discomfort associated with that became steadily worse over time, and at the same time my weight was steadily increasing. As my level of activity decreased, I very gradually gained weight over 6 – 7 years. I had never been on a diet before so weight gain was new to me. I believed I had healthy eating habits so didn’t really know what to do to lose the weight I’d put on. I knew I didn’t feel right, my energy levels were low and I’d lost interest in food; it just seemed like everything had gone out of whack. I initially saw MiracuLoss on Facebook, and then a friend who had lost some weight told me she had used the Miraculoss programme so I decided to investigate it more. To my surprise I learned that it was a New Zealand company and it was based just down the road from where I lived, which gave me some comfort as I was able to go to the office and check it out. Since joining the programme the benefits have far exceeded my expectations: I’ve lost 8.4 kilos – 10.7% of my mass body weight; decreasing two dress sizes, I am now a proud size 8. To my astonishment my back pain has disappeared! I bounce out of bed first thing in the morning, my sleep quality has improved so much, as have my energy levels. I feel like I’ve regained my vitality and my sense of well-being. I’ve also learnt many new tools since joining MiracuLoss, and am now able to help my partner in his lifestyle. My coach has been absolutely wonderful, I can’t sing her praises enough. She has shared her knowledge and experience, and provided guidance, along with many timely words of encouragement.


I have lost 52 kilos with MiracuLoss

Where do I start? I have lost 52 kilos with MiracuLoss. I never ever thought I could do this, I have tried everything. I was big as a child and thought I needed to stay that way. There are so many health benefits and I do not snore anymore!! My ankle was very sore and prevented me from walking some days and now it’s fine. I could not walk up the stairs in my home without a lot of puffing and now I find myself running up and down them. I am less cranky with my children and I even got into swimming gear and went down the slide with my child for the first time. I now qualify for health insurance which I could not get before. People tell me I smile more often. I just simply feel so well and I cannot believe I was as big as I was, I did not realise it. It has taken me from January to January to lose 52 kilos with several breaks in between the weight loss. I have really enjoyed the food and the simplicity of my life around food whilst on MiracuLoss. The meetings have been so useful too. I could never have achieved this without the support and guidance of the MiracuLoss team. When I started the programme I was a size 26. I’m now a size 12 and still keeping the weight off, not like all my other diets!

I can’t thank MiracuLoss enough…

I have lost 35 kilo’s so far and now I know I will definitely lose the rest. The biggest thing for me was the big boost in my confidence. I was not accepting social invitations and when I did I was placed at the end of the table as I could not fit easily along the sides. I now have the energy, mobility and speed that I had 20 years ago and I can run again! Before starting MiracuLoss I could not easily get in and out of the car which is part of my job. Now it is so easy! My cholesterol levels have decreased, my sinus issue has completely gone and my sleep is much better. My joints are less achy especially my knees and ankles which were always sore. My shirt size has gone from a 6XL to a 2XL. I think I have added years to my life and will get to meet my grandchildren. I have got my life back. The comments from others are brilliant and have helped me feel great about myself. I can’t thank MiracuLoss enough for what they have done.


The best part was when I went to try on new clothes…

I know of two friends that did the program, they did 2 and 3 rounds and watching the results truly blew my mind. It was amazing. I have never seen anything so effective and I definitely wanted to get aboard. When I started I had a really strong mindset to change. I wasn’t happy with the weight that I had put on and I wanted a change. What made me so confident about Miraculoss was seeing the results of my friends. I knew Miraculoss worked and was determined to see change with my situation. I initially did 6 weeks of weight loss and was really surprised by the weight loss results. I started at 129.1 and when I got to 120 I was so happy and realised I hadn’t been that weight for 18-19 years. So I then thought, is it possible to get under 120, and I did the next day which was amazing, I then got to 115, then 114kg. Getting on the scales each day was amazing. My goal was to get under 100kg and hadn’t been that weight since I was in my 20’s when I was doing a lot of exercise and sports. After my 6 weeks of weight loss I got to 105kg and was down 5 pant sizes! People were coming up to me and saying I was half my initial size. Some were concerned because it happened quite quickly, however, I felt so amazing. I had way more energy and was eating whole foods that were nourishing my body. I was loving it. It has taken me a while to get used to me being this new size. When I’m shopping for clothes, I look twice in the mirror at the person that’s there and sometimes find myself slipping back into my fat mentality. I used to walk a certain way with all my weight and now that I have lost it all I have to adjust the way I perceive myself. The best part was when I went to try on new clothes, I am fitting into pants sizes I hadn’t been in for 20 years. It’s amazing. I have kept the same belt so that I can remind myself and show people how far I have come, I just keep putting holes into it so it fits me. I found Maureen so supportive as my coach. She was really caring and it was great to have someone who had some much experience throughout the program. The weekly tutorials and webinars were great too and I was able to learn more about my body. Thanks Miraculoss, I would suggest it to anyone wanting to make lasting change!


…it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

I came to MiracuLoss because of my wife, she was having an operation for cancer and wanted to lose some weight and I wanted to support her with that. I work in the entertainment industry, which can be an office job most of the time. My eating habits in the past were not the greatest and there are heaps of restaurants and takeaway shops where I work. I was worried about how I would go because it seemed pretty strict to me but I was pleasantly surprised as it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I started in August last year and by March I’d lost about 40 kilos which I’m maintaining easily. My coach was really helpful – keeping both of us on track with her encouragement and advice and reminding us what we need to be doing.I now eat more of the right foods for my body and I avoid bread and other similar starches.  I love vegetables, meat and fish and I keep processed meats such as sausages to a minimum where previously I ate a lot of them. I’m also incorporating other good foods such as seaweed into my diet. I’m planning on another round in Spring to get back to the weight I was in my younger days which I now realise it totally achievable. My results so far still seem surprising to me and I’m looking forward to dropping another 8 kilos before Summer!


…weight loss results each day!

I have been on many programmes over the years, and yes I had some success but the downside was that I also regained my weight. And until now, I’d never been on a programme that gave me weight loss results each day! The Miraculoss programme has taught me life skills that will improve my well being for the rest of my life and make my weight loss sustainable. I have so much energy now, and am doing more each day. I feel like I used to when I was younger. I feel so fantastic! To anyone who’s thinking about it, just do it if you really want to make a difference to yourself. I love my new life, which surprises me, especially now that I am in my more mature years. Thanks,


My legs are not swollen anymore and I now have hardly any pain

I am very very happy with my progress, I feel great and lighter, my clothes are getting looser. I used to have fluid retention in my legs which was giving me a lot of pain when I walked, but they’re not swollen anymore, they’ve gone back to normal and I now have hardly any pain, so I’m very happy and thankful.

– ADRIENNE from Sydney

Thank you, thank you, thank you Miraculoss

I am so glad and blessed that I came across Miraculoss via a quick Google search on how to lose my stubborn weight. I’m delighted to say that I’ve lost a large amount of weight, all thanks to the wonderful guidance and information I received from Miraculoss. Now that I feel more energised, happier and most importantly good in my body, I can focus on other goals that I’d like to achieve. Thank you, thank you, thank you Miraculoss. I would 100% recommend this programme to anyone wanting to prioritise their overall wellbeing.


I am amazed at the difference with soreness…

I am amazed at the difference with soreness in my post op foot, hands, knees, back and sciatica which has almost all disappeared and I have now learnt that this was due to inflammation. My blood pressure has pretty much returned to normal naturally too. Friends and colleagues have commented positively on how I look and that I apparently glow!!! So much so that a few have requested insight into what I’ve done to look like this. A great feeling and in such a short time! I look forward to learning about foods that work for me personally in the next stages. Thanks again.

– JULIE from Auckland

I’ve been a very active person throughout my life; having been a netballer, gym junkie, and distance runner – in my earlier years training up to 100kms per week. A few years ago I injured my back and the pain and discomfort associated with that became steadily worse over time, and at the same time my weight was steadily increasing. As my level of activity decreased, I very gradually gained weight over 6 – 7 years. I had never been on a diet before so weight gain was new to me. I believed I had healthy eating habits so didn’t really know what to do to lose the weight I’d put on. I knew I didn’t feel right, my energy levels were low and I’d lost interest in food; it just seemed like everything had gone out of whack. I initially saw MiracuLoss on Facebook, and then a friend who had lost some weight told me she had used the Miraculoss programme so I decided to investigate it more. To my surprise I learned that it was a New Zealand company and it was based just down the road from where I lived, which gave me some comfort as I was able to go to the office and check it out. Since joining the programme the benefits have far exceeded my expectations: I’ve lost 8.4 kilos – 10.7% of my mass body weight; decreasing two dress sizes, I am now a proud size 8. To my astonishment my back pain has disappeared! I bounce out of bed first thing in the morning, my sleep quality has improved so much, as have my energy levels. I feel like I’ve regained my vitality and my sense of well-being. I’ve also learnt many new tools since joining MiracuLoss, and am now able to help my partner in his lifestyle. My coach has been absolutely wonderful, I can’t sing her praises enough. She has shared her knowledge and experience, and provided guidance, along with many timely words of encouragement.


Where do I start? I have lost 52 kilos with MiracuLoss. I never ever thought I could do this, I have tried everything. I was big as a child and thought I needed to stay that way. There are so many health benefits and I do not snore anymore!! My ankle was very sore and prevented me from walking some days and now it’s fine. I could not walk up the stairs in my home without a lot of puffing and now I find myself running up and down them. I am less cranky with my children and I even got into swimming gear and went down the slide with my child for the first time. I now qualify for health insurance which I could not get before. People tell me I smile more often. I just simply feel so well and I cannot believe I was as big as I was, I did not realise it. It has taken me from January to January to lose 52 kilos with several breaks in between the weight loss. I have really enjoyed the food and the simplicity of my life around food whilst on MiracuLoss. The meetings have been so useful too. I could never have achieved this without the support and guidance of the MiracuLoss team. When I started the programme I was a size 26. I’m now a size 12 and still keeping the weight off, not like all my other diets!


I have lost 35 kilo’s so far and now I know I will definitely lose the rest. The biggest thing for me was the big boost in my confidence. I was not accepting social invitations and when I did I was placed at the end of the table as I could not fit easily along the sides. I now have the energy, mobility and speed that I had 20 years ago and I can run again! Before starting MiracuLoss I could not easily get in and out of the car which is part of my job. Now it is so easy! My cholesterol levels have decreased, my sinus issue has completely gone and my sleep is much better. My joints are less achy especially my knees and ankles which were always sore. My shirt size has gone from a 6XL to a 2XL. I think I have added years to my life and will get to meet my grandchildren. I have got my life back. The comments from others are brilliant and have helped me feel great about myself. I can’t thank MiracuLoss enough for what they have done.


I know of two friends that did the program, they did 2 and 3 rounds and watching the results truly blew my mind. It was amazing. I have never seen anything so effective and I definitely wanted to get aboard. When I started I had a really strong mindset to change. I wasn’t happy with the weight that I had put on and I wanted a change. What made me so confident about Miraculoss was seeing the results of my friends. I knew Miraculoss worked and was determined to see change with my situation. I initially did 6 weeks of weight loss and was really surprised by the weight loss results. I started at 129.1 and when I got to 120 I was so happy and realised I hadn’t been that weight for 18-19 years. So I then thought, is it possible to get under 120, and I did the next day which was amazing, I then got to 115, then 114kg. Getting on the scales each day was amazing. My goal was to get under 100kg and hadn’t been that weight since I was in my 20’s when I was doing a lot of exercise and sports. After my 6 weeks of weight loss I got to 105kg and was down 5 pant sizes! People were coming up to me and saying I was half my initial size. Some were concerned because it happened quite quickly, however, I felt so amazing. I had way more energy and was eating whole foods that were nourishing my body. I was loving it. It has taken me a while to get used to me being this new size. When I’m shopping for clothes, I look twice in the mirror at the person that’s there and sometimes find myself slipping back into my fat mentality. I used to walk a certain way with all my weight and now that I have lost it all I have to adjust the way I perceive myself. The best part was when I went to try on new clothes, I am fitting into pants sizes I hadn’t been in for 20 years. It’s amazing. I have kept the same belt so that I can remind myself and show people how far I have come, I just keep putting holes into it so it fits me. I found Maureen so supportive as my coach. She was really caring and it was great to have someone who had some much experience throughout the program. The weekly tutorials and webinars were great too and I was able to learn more about my body. Thanks Miraculoss, I would suggest it to anyone wanting to make lasting change!


I came to MiracuLoss because of my wife, she was having an operation for cancer and wanted to lose some weight and I wanted to support her with that. I work in the entertainment industry, which can be an office job most of the time. My eating habits in the past were not the greatest and there are heaps of restaurants and takeaway shops where I work. I was worried about how I would go because it seemed pretty strict to me but I was pleasantly surprised as it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I started in August last year and by March I’d lost about 40 kilos which I’m maintaining easily. My coach was really helpful – keeping both of us on track with her encouragement and advice and reminding us what we need to be doing.I now eat more of the right foods for my body and I avoid bread and other similar starches.  I love vegetables, meat and fish and I keep processed meats such as sausages to a minimum where previously I ate a lot of them. I’m also incorporating other good foods such as seaweed into my diet. I’m planning on another round in Spring to get back to the weight I was in my younger days which I now realise it totally achievable. My results so far still seem surprising to me and I’m looking forward to dropping another 8 kilos before Summer!