My diet starts Monday!

Where have you heard this before? How many broken promises, failed diets and disappointments?

Most of us are all too familiar with the concept of dieting, but what you may not realise is that what we’ve been led to believe about weight loss is a myth. Or many myths to be exact.

Statistics tell us that over 95% of all diets end in dismal failure. This is because they are based on flawed theories that contain very little truth about how your body and your mind actually work.

There are several reasons why diets fail in the long term, but the main reason is diets don’t address the real causes of the problem. And if these are not addressed there will never be lasting success.
Some of the common contributors are insulin resistance, digestive issues, poor sleep, hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and the negative effects of stress, but there are many more. It is seldom overeating that’s really to blame. 

At Miraculoss we provide personalised coaching, helping you understand your body, and working with you to improve your health and lifestyle so you can maintain your new weight without the struggle. Wouldn’t it be a relief to discover the reasons why you’ve been struggling?

Three of the most common myths are:

Speak with one of our experienced coaches to find out how you can solve your weight loss puzzle.  On this call we’ll delve into what may be affecting you and we’ll give you some great advice. And if we think you’re a good fit for the Miraculoss programme we’ll explain more about how it works and why we are able to guarantee results.  

Here are some words from three of our lovely clients that you may find helpful.