It’s Our Twelfth Birthday!

Julie and I shared a yummy piece of healthy homemade birthday cake (Harvest Pantry Chocolate Coconut Cake) with blueberries and whipped cream to celebrate this morning! 

Twelve years ago today Miraculoss was registered as a company, but our story started two months earlier with me shedding 13 kilos within six weeks and somehow knowing that I needed to share this method with as many people as possible.

Julie Buckley was one of our first clients and loved the programme so much she became a coach. Marie Jarosch and Bianca Robinson were also there at the inception and like Julie, are still with us today. It’s been a real pleasure to share this journey with these wonderful women and also with the equally wonderful coaches who have since joined us.  

There is so much to celebrate as I look back over the past twelve years. We have come a long way from those early steps and I am so proud of the Miraculoss team who are dedicated to helping everyone they interact with. 

In twelve years we have helped over 6,000 wonderful women and men lose weight, improve their health and discover what works best for their body. It’s such a privilege to work with those who are committed to discovering ways to create better health, learning how to listen to their body, and becoming the best version of themselves.  

And today, I’m also looking to the future and I can see that it’s never been more important to focus on health. With our medical systems under immense strain and waiting times for medical appointments stretching into months, we need to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. Putting your health at the top of your priority list is essential. It’s easy to nudge healthy choices further down the list in favour of shortcuts when we’re under pressure because the effect of these ‘not so healthy choices’ is not always immediately obvious. However sooner or later those choices will manifest in some way. Dis-ease is an accumulative process. 

But here’s the good news. Your body is programmed for self healing!

Your body wants to be healthy and strong. I’m continually amazed (even after twelve years) by the rapid way the human body can heal itself when given the right food and conditions. Pain and fluid retention can be gone in a few short weeks. Improved sleep, more energy, blood pressure and blood sugar readings normalised – all within a few weeks of making some basic changes. 

So here’s to the next twelve years of helping more people discover how to live with better health, more vitality, and freedom from preventable dis-ease. 

Click here to learn more about how Miraculoss can help you and those you love. 

Click here to try our Harvest Pantry Chocolate Coconut Cake Mix.